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Jericho consists of directing seven men of the team, allowing control of all of them. The player is Devin Ross, who at a certain moment of the game dies, leaving his Platform: PC. Languages: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Polish Clive Barker's Jericho (2007), 3.52GB ElAmigos release, game is already cracked Clive Barker's Jericho is a survival horror, first-person shooter title for the PC. Master of Horror Clive Barker places the player in the role of any given member of a XBOX360 克莱夫巴克的耶利哥(Clive Barker's Jericho) GOD下载中文名称:耶利哥英文名称:Clive Barker's Jericho游戏编号:434D07E9 Jericho,以下简称《耶利哥》),将登陆PC、PS3和Xbox 360平台,游戏预计将于明年第四季度发行。
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他与英国的游戏开发、发行商Codemasters合作,计划开发一款《耶利哥》,计划发行于PC、PS3和X360平台,2007年第四季度上市。 故事背景发生在一个被称为“Jericho”的古城,在那里,恶魔被具现化并以肉身出没。 《耶利哥》安装说明: 1、游戏为绿色硬盘版,采用7z格式极限压缩。 2、下载完成,使用winrar或7z软件解压缩。 提示: 请阅读游戏目录下的如何开始游戏(重要).txt 安装好游戏必需的软件后再进行游戏。